Unlocking SME growth with trusted and tailored capital solutions

Our process is simple

We aim to build long-term partnerships with SME’s, giving you all the financial tools for long-term growth. We are committed to your success and can provide tailored advice from people who have extensive experience in growing their own businesses.

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We take the time to understand what you’re looking for and exactly what you need to thrive.

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We build a strategy that helps you take the next step in growing your business.

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We use our expertise to find you the most appropriate and cost effective solution.

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We start looking forward, building a plan for your next successful step.

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About Deis Capital

DEIS Capital provides specialist solutions to your SME’s capital requirements. As experts in debtor finance and other business finance strategies, we can help you seize the opportunities that allow your business to grow. From hiring a general manager to take you to the next level, to upgrading critical equipment, we can provide viable cost-effective financial solutions.

Founder Joshua Smith understands the unique frustrations and barriers to entry when it comes to operating and growing a business from start up phase to maturity. Having co-founded and developed his own business over 10 years ago, he has experienced first-hand the highs and lows that come with trying to take your business to the next level.

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Speak to our specialists

When it comes to your business, it pays to talk to the experts. Talk to us today so we can help you take your business to the next level.

Our Funding Partners

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